Thursday, February 27, 2014


It is amazing how things happen as they happen throughout our lives, and when. In retrospect, often if you are one firm in Faith and Belief in God, you glimpse a pattern and come to the realization that there was more at work than mere coincidence or circumstance.

On Jan 24th, 2014, I was laid off from my job. Between the commute, the hours at work, any mass transit delays, seldom was my day away from home shorter than 15 hours. Due to severe weather events, of which we had many so far this winter, sometimes 18-19 hours was common. Loss of job, opportunity gained!

There was I when needed, at the right time, and at the right place! Had I not been laid off when I was (in-between two snowstorms), mountains of snow would've blocked my driveway instead of being cleared down to the pavement, and I would not have been in the position to assist my daughter and the love of her life to move to their first apartment on the two only sunny and dry days in a 10 day period. The severe weather allowed availability for truck rental exactly when I needed it, no wait!

With the movement of each piece of furniture, each personal belonging, the flood of memories and emotion had time (for we were not rushed as we would've been) enough for those moving to capture that which was dear, and embrace it, and accept that which was to come with open arms and pure intent.

The move could not have gone better for all!

And, the storms that followed were met with full strength, full and able muscle, and time to do all that had to be done!

Opportunity was gained to witness and marvel at how remarkable my wife is; Balancing demands of home, of family (her listening and her guidance to grown children when needed, caring for an elderly Mother living in a distant town, balancing diminished resources, her patience with a now at home husband without a job), all while still working with a classroom of children daily with warmth and love. "Amazing", so fortunate am I!

When my daughter had to travel away for business, I was in a position to be of physical assistance to those she loved that were here as they went about their day, as it was needed. So very wonderful was that, for the timing could never had been known in advance, and the availability could not have been better or more timely.

With many applications for employment submitted, the delay in response opened the opportunity for time and discussion with personnel well respected that I had previously worked with. A vision of possibility illuminated an overcast sky, and delighted my heart (for in such high regard were these fine people held). The possibility of re-employment was discussed, and further conversation may very well prove fruitful!

Bill Gates was known to have said: "Formal Education will make you a living; Self-education will make you a fortune." With the time and necessity now at hand, I fed the fire of eternal hunger for Self-education, and my fire within burns ever so strong, my being absorbing all that I touch, happily! My mind seeing as it was meant to see, that which I am capable of to full extent!

So grand is life, when once we choose to live it with purpose clear, and pure intent, with no self imposed restraints or self doubt. With true FAITH and BELIEF that never do we walk alone, trusting in God, and in ourselves, there is but one choice worthy of merit, to live life and not merely be a witness to it!

My choice is clear, to Live as I was meant to live; I dare to be me!

 What is YOURS, will YOU choose that which calls from within your mind and heart, will YOU dare to be you? For you, are significant!

Our World is all the better for us choosing to be that which we were meant to be! Shall we begin?

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