Given time, with perspective gained from knowledge acquired from lessons learned, you would think that people would choose to make better choice when once again at similar moment or circumstance! But often, they do not, for such repeated choice made with so now predictable an outcome near certain, becomes more tolerable, than that which is yet to be discovered (even if it be of grand reward)!
For choice of such difference to be made would require faith, belief, be it of ones self, of another, of others, of God.
From the earliest of age are lessons learned, knowledge acquired, perspective gained, and choices made.
Of such powerful influence are we all upon the future yet to come; For our choice made to love, to have faith, to have belief, to encourage, to set example, to be faithful, to be truthful, to do good, to stand in defense of another, to do the best that you are capable of, to try, to not give up, to take the first step and to follow with another, to also see that which is before you from another perspective, and so much more, the young, our young do so learn and make choice.
Finite time do we have upon this Earth in this manner we are accustomed, the day will come when in this form you are no more!
Your choices now will be of wonderful consequence when that day comes. Have FAITH, BELIEVE, for never do we walk alone, be it here or thereafter!
A choice have you now to make! Shall WE begin?
Noshin' On Knishes
14 years ago
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