Saturday, October 4, 2014


Author's Note; This was originally written on October 1st, 2014

One year ago today, I was granted the opportunity to learn how to walk with new parts. For you see, one year and one day ago, walking had no longer been possible with the parts I had been born with. It's amazing how something that is so simple for so many of us most of our lives, can become impossible in but a blink of an eye (or so it seems).

It took herculean effort, guidance from wonderfully trained professionals, patience and encouragement of family and friends, and every bit of FAITH, BELIEF, and discipline I had learned throughout my life to once again stand and walk confidently and without restriction by December 16, 2013.

People with whom I work now, often comment on how energetic I am (tireless they say), and  often ask me what is my secret for being as driven as I am.

I tell them simply; I am thankful for the opportunity to use that which I have, to do that which I can, and to be that which I can be (the best that I can possibly be).

I have gained a wonderfully enriching perspective on how precious our time is upon this Earth, and on how joyful and significant such simple things (like walking with my loved ones) can be, and are to me.

I urge YOU to marvel at YOUR many blessings, and to be ever so thankful for the opportunities afforded YOU as well. Make the most of each day, and take notice of the people and places around you. Be thankful for this day!

Dare to be YOU, for YOU, as am I, are significant! Have a great day!

Shall we begin?


We are more connected,
   than really any know;

If you have lost a loved one or
    fight for Life this day,
Alone will not you stand this and everyday.

For feel an Angel's touch as they gently
    steady your arm
Or hear your loved one's whisper,
   "I am now without more harm".

For alone are you not
   nor ever will you be,
For God's magnificent Grace
   has saved the likes of me.

Bathed by the brilliance and warmth
   of His Light,
I have now come to understand
   love's purest might.

We are more connected,
   than really any know,
For there within your heart,
   is ALL we need to know.

                            - Daniel G. O'Leary