Sunday, November 30, 2014


Such precious gifts are we so given,
     And often with but mere glance do not we SEE,
How wonderful is our Life,
     With Faith and Belief in thee!

May YOU with aching heart,
      For those traveled afar,
Be mindful of the merriment,
     Of wishing upon a star,
For heart-felt words of Love,
     Are heard without a doubt,
And ALWAYS are they answered,
     But never with a shout.

A sudden warm gentle breeze,
     Upon our skin we feel,
A warmly treasured song is heard,
     Deep within our ear.

And even in the depth of Winter,
     With Sunlight near forgotten,
Or as if within our heart we feel,
     As if with sudden splinter,
There comes down from above,
     So loving a gentle hand,
And lands within our heart,
     Causing us to stand.

We stand and walk about the room,
     Filled with joy and glee,
For NEVER are YOU alone,
     This now know YOU be!

Shall WE begin?


Yesterday while I was working, a coworker came in as a customer, and I was fortunate enough to be able to provide him with the service he required.

While assisting him, I told him I was happy to see him up and about (I had heard he had been in an accident and had gotten pretty banged up).

It turned out, he had been in an accident on the Interstate while on the way Home from where we both worked, and that I had been in one of the cars diverted off the road while Firefighters were attempting to cut him out of his smashed car.

Traffic had stopped in front of him, he stopped in time, the car behind him did not, hitting him at full speed. That sent him into the car in front of him, and into a side spin where he was hit by another car going full speed in the next lane, flipping his car into a roll.

As I followed instructions diverting us off the Interstate, I passed those damaged cars and prayed for those injured and for those I was sure of whom must of been killed (for so wrecked were the cars).

A gentle giant of a man, with a heart of gold, and a loving family, GOD was with him that day, for he lived. So thankful is he for being given Life!

He realized how seldom he had stopped to appreciate that which was around him until it was almost too late!

I understood completely, as he did well know!

May YOU all be PRESENT in mind, in body, in heart this Holiday Season, and give rightful thanks for YOUR many, many BLESSINGS while YOU are able. Be safe!

Have FAITH, have BELIEF, and remember; "NEVER do we walk alone!" Shall WE begin?

Sunday, November 16, 2014


Given time, with perspective gained from knowledge acquired from lessons learned, you would think that people would choose to make better choice when once again at similar moment or circumstance! But often, they do not, for such repeated choice made with so now predictable an outcome near certain, becomes more tolerable, than that which is yet to be discovered (even if it be of grand reward)!

For choice of such difference to be made would require faith, belief, be it of ones self, of another, of others, of God.

From the earliest of age are lessons learned, knowledge acquired, perspective gained, and choices made.

Of such powerful influence are we all upon the future yet to come; For our choice made to love, to have faith, to have belief, to encourage, to set example, to be faithful, to be truthful, to do good, to stand in defense of another, to do the best that you are capable of, to try, to not give up, to take the first step and to follow with another, to also see that which is before you from another perspective, and so much more, the young, our young do so learn and make choice.

Finite time do we have upon this Earth in this manner we are accustomed, the day will come when in this form you are no more!

Your choices now will be of wonderful consequence when that day comes. Have FAITH, BELIEVE, for never do we walk alone, be it here or thereafter!

A choice have you now to make! Shall WE begin?

Sunday, November 9, 2014


Have YOU ever lost YOUR way, forgotten who YOU are, been so overwhelmed with pity or guilt that straight could YOU not think nor see. Has your loving and caring heart been broken or seemingly smashed into a billion pieces by events so tragic or previously unforeseen, that once they have transpired, no longer could YOU tell up from down, right from wrong, good from evil, nor even did it matter?

No matter how or why YOU arrived, on the edge of oblivion did YOU seem to appear, and but nowhere did YOU seem to be able to go except to take the next step into a darkness without a glimmer of light!

And then, from within the vary depths of YOUR SOUL, your true FAITH and BELIEF in GOD ignited the Flame of YOUR SOUL, and ever so lovingly, gently, encouragingly were YOU guided in the right direction, at the right time, at the right place!

I was at such a place, and my FAITH and BELIEF in GOD gave me light, gave me HOPE, gave me direction, gave me riches of heart without equal that will last for time eternal!

In December 1983 I was Honorably Discharged from Service (by choice), and once back in my hometown, at such a place as described above, was I (my fellow Marines had been killed in mass by an act of terror, and I had not been by their side Oct.23rd 1983).

As if a ship without rudder, no matter how I attempted, in one direction could I not tell I was going nor why or how.

Then such spark of Light from within my Soul did once again ignite, for never had my FAITH and my BELIEF in GOD leave it!

One step, and then another did I so take, direction did I once again find, HOPE again did I have that my lifelong dream of finding "the right woman to love and marry, care for, protect, and share Life with, raise children with would someday be fully realized.

Choice be made, steps taken, a job accepted, time passed, such a woman did I meet at the place where I worked (she started after I had already been working there). Chance? I know; "NOT"!

With young son was she. Chance encounters throughout our day, then excuses made to use the office equipment in her office, teamed together to accomplish work assigned tasks, and then a request by me to attend company holiday party together (she agreed). Dating, yes. Introductions to Family, and time so very well spent. Outings with Mother and son so well spent!

To my Father was she at first introduced, and to mutual surprise to the both of them (and to me), a common link did they share; her son was the Grandson of one of my Father's best friends. Think about that for a long moment, was this truly a chance encounter (she had moved from Florida, back to New York where millions of people live and work). She and I had chosen to work at the same company, in the same year, and had literally bumped into each other time and time again until finally of mutual planning. Yes we had made choices to move things along (but were not the choices presented at so timely a fashion and in so timely a manner, in reality, by design, as if steering questions of a seasoned professional, but in this case the Will of God, an answer to one so strong and firm in FAITH, of BELIEF).

More choices made, more time elapsed, united as Family, dream a work in progress, joyfully (yes with bumps along the way, as with any journey of merit). More children did come, a house became Home. Life shared, Love evolved and grew. FAITH and BELIEF in GOD without question.

Jobs did change as was necessary, but the love within the hearts of each of us grew stronger by the day.

Choices had we all daily, choices did we all make, daily (but again, was not GOD'S HAND still at work). For on November 7th, 2014, again was I in my hometown, six buildings away from where I had first met my wife, celebrating the Wedding of  "that once young boy" (the Grandson of one of my Father's best friends, a friend that had lent my Father use of his car to drive my Mother to the hospital to have their first son). And although both men are now deceased, I know within my mind, heart and Soul, from Heaven did they so lovingly watch again standing side by side,

And the bride to whom Joseph Samuel Mayo married, the woman of whom so completely swept Joseph off his feet, Theresa LoManoco Mayo, could not be of more loving and faithful heart nor could her presence add more joy to our hearts than what is felt by all this day.

On Saturday morning, November 8th, 2014, before breakfast a walk did I take from the hotel next to where the reception had been only hours before; I walked up to that building where first I had met the woman with whom Life is now shared, and no longer is the company we had once worked for there. Now it is a New York State Lottery Claims Office (a place where people now go to claim their prize).

I realized at that moment, that I had won the grandest of all jackpots, for I had now fulfilled (by the Grace of GOD, and with my FAITH and BELIEF in HIM), my lifelong dream; To find the woman, Diane Pattnosh O'Leary, of my dreams, a better Wife or Mother of our children could not I have, to have a Family, to love them, to protect them, to provide for them, to share with them, to see them grow and stand upon their feet with FAITH and BELIEF making choices right for them, and to feel the Love within all our hearts (Diane, Joe, Theresa, Michael, Anna, and soon to be Son-in-law, Danny, and of course , me).

I continued my walk along streets once traveled so long before, passing a Parish (Saint Pius) where a brother once wed his equally wonderfully magnificent woman of his dreams. I passed what was once her family's house and realized within mind, heart, and Soul, that he too had hit his jackpot, as have so many millions of others, seemingly by choice (or was it, truly?).

So wonderful a walk did I finish, with not a tear left within my body, for so joyful was my heart, that a waterfall of joy did I experience, giving praise to the true Architect of such Joy's design.

I sat in our assigned room, filled with loving hearts as all ate breakfast, and took one step back in mind, in heart, in Soul and marveled at how many lives had been touched ever so profoundly by so simple an act some 30+ years ago, for a choice had been made, a Journey started, one step, and then another, followed by as many as necessary to arrive at where I now sat. That circle had been completed, as I'm sure YOU too have completed one or more already.

Today another step do I now take, firm in FAITH and BELIEF in GOD, may YOU also. Shall WE begin?

Saturday, October 4, 2014


Author's Note; This was originally written on October 1st, 2014

One year ago today, I was granted the opportunity to learn how to walk with new parts. For you see, one year and one day ago, walking had no longer been possible with the parts I had been born with. It's amazing how something that is so simple for so many of us most of our lives, can become impossible in but a blink of an eye (or so it seems).

It took herculean effort, guidance from wonderfully trained professionals, patience and encouragement of family and friends, and every bit of FAITH, BELIEF, and discipline I had learned throughout my life to once again stand and walk confidently and without restriction by December 16, 2013.

People with whom I work now, often comment on how energetic I am (tireless they say), and  often ask me what is my secret for being as driven as I am.

I tell them simply; I am thankful for the opportunity to use that which I have, to do that which I can, and to be that which I can be (the best that I can possibly be).

I have gained a wonderfully enriching perspective on how precious our time is upon this Earth, and on how joyful and significant such simple things (like walking with my loved ones) can be, and are to me.

I urge YOU to marvel at YOUR many blessings, and to be ever so thankful for the opportunities afforded YOU as well. Make the most of each day, and take notice of the people and places around you. Be thankful for this day!

Dare to be YOU, for YOU, as am I, are significant! Have a great day!

Shall we begin?


We are more connected,
   than really any know;

If you have lost a loved one or
    fight for Life this day,
Alone will not you stand this and everyday.

For feel an Angel's touch as they gently
    steady your arm
Or hear your loved one's whisper,
   "I am now without more harm".

For alone are you not
   nor ever will you be,
For God's magnificent Grace
   has saved the likes of me.

Bathed by the brilliance and warmth
   of His Light,
I have now come to understand
   love's purest might.

We are more connected,
   than really any know,
For there within your heart,
   is ALL we need to know.

                            - Daniel G. O'Leary

Monday, July 14, 2014


With our birth, GOD had HOPE that each of us, given the freedom of choice, would choose to discover that which was unique deep within our mind and heart, that which called from within us, the purpose for which we had been granted life!

With such choice made, discovery found, again did HE have HOPE in us, that choice would be made to pursue such purpose with passion from within, and the knowledge that empowered by our FAITH and BELIEF in HIM, alone never would we walk in our pursuit!

Much has been said over the course of time eternal regarding choice of mind, but true choice for which we have been empowered comes from not mind alone, but from within our heart as well (if not more)! It is passion that truly fuels the fires of creativity, of ingenuity, that drives us to push beyond our comfort zone to be and to do that which we are capable of, to overcome fear, obstacle, circumstance!

It is passion that affords us the opportunity during our pursuit of purpose, to remind us that even then, there is a delicate balance to life; strengths of one or many can empower those not of similar strength to overcome their weakness, thereby affording them (those not of similar strength), opportunity to passionately, and gratefully utilize / realize their own strength(s).

It is passion that then affords those of whom their strength and purpose have newly been found, opportunity to choose to reciprocate in kind. With such choice then made, opportunity for all advances with a balance necessary for life to continue!

What calls from within your mind and heart? What makes your fingers tingle? Your sparks fly? Your dreams soar?

LOOK! FEEL! Discover that which calls from within and make a choice! Decision is but choice made, and consequence will there be. But is not consequence worthy if passionate purpose is pursued with true FAITH and BELIEF? Especially, when ALONE, never will YOU walk?

So I ask YOU; "What will your footprints be upon this EARTH of OURS, where will they lead you? Us? A balance is there of which WE must so choose, for significant are we all, each and every one of us (the homeless passed without glance given, the CEO of business giant, the barefoot child abandoned in place unknown, the group of well fed children frolicking in summer surf, the brothers trapped beneath building bombed to rubble).

"What will your footprints be upon this EARTH of OURS", for although YOU have but two feet (if so well blessed), with each foot can "a step" be taken. Be it right, be it wrong, that choice has been granted us one and all, for in that choice is GOD'S HOPE for us!

If HE has not given up on US, dare we not give up on HIM; Have FAITH, BELIEVE!

DARE TO BE YOU, be who YOU were meant to be, do that which YOU were meant to do, for YOU are significant, and in OUR World do "YOU" make a difference one step at a time. Such footprints in so fine a sand will long be cherished, and purpose spoken. BELIEVE!

Shall we begin?

Sunday, June 1, 2014


I worked the early shift, so I was home by 4:30 pm. After doing some chores in the bright sunlight, I washed up and put some fresh, clean clothes on. As I looked in the mirror, I caught myself smiling in response to a wonderful vision I had: I pictured a young "future grandchild" (I have none yet), giggling and saying; "Grandpa, you look sparkly"! From the mouths and hearts of children, are we so wonderfully blessed.

Well, that's how I felt, "sparkly" at the very thought that based upon the law of averages, God's Will, and that all my grown children will be wed in the months ahead, soon, I'll hear such loving giggles and heartfelt words!

Happy as can be, I drove my wife to our local grocery store like I had thousands of times before. We shopped for the essentials, like we do every week, and returned home. We put everything away, and decided that instead of going out to eat locally (like we try to do once each week), I would go out to KFC and bring some chicken home. Diane (my wonderful wife), had been feeling a little ill, and we both thought it would be better for her to rest, home.

Off I went driving North, the Sun shining (although now getting low in the western sky). No line in KFC, perfect timing, so I was out in a flash, and on my way driving South towards home (the setting Sun now on my right-side).

I was stopped at a very busy local intersection for a red light. The light changed to green for me, and I started to go slowly due to a natural obstacle limiting what could be seen approaching from the left (they now had a red light). As I moved forward with my eyes looking for danger, I was terrified when I saw an approaching car running the light at full speed or faster headed right at my driver-side. I braked and stopped dead, now in the intersection. The car behind me stopped in time too. The car approaching me swerved to his left then to his right, clearing me by inches going full speed. By the time I just turned my head to the right just following his direction into the setting Sun, his car was already 30-40 yards passed me. He, the young man driving, never even stopped!

If there had been any cars coming from the south-side of that intersection at that moment, they would've been hit, I would've been hit, the car behind me would've been hit, cars stopped facing east would've been hit. It would've been terrible for so many!

God blessed so many once again!

I was so shaken up I had to pull off the main road into a parking lot and wait until I settled down before I could make my way home!

I always live each day to the fullest I can as a result of the realization that "life" is a blessing, a gift, that one day "will have an end" as it is now known. But because of my life experiences to date, because of my FAITH and BELIEF in GOD, also have I come to the realization that there is "Everlasting Life" for each of us, different from that which is known by us here.

I regret not one day that I have lived, for if I had not lived it as it had turned out, never would I have arrived at where I am now, never would I have come to know the love of family, the love of friend, the love of Country nor would I have discovered my purpose, my reason for being.

Yes, I am thankful to GOD for once again granting me the opportunity to continue to move forward to experience the joys of that which this day will too bring, and have a dream, a "sparkling" of the joy of that which may come!

When I got HOME, I dared to be me, and hugged those I so love.

I'm YOUR approaching car, so too have YOU now been blessed!

DARE TO BE YOU, for YOU are magnificent, and in OUR World, do YOU, do WE all make difference!

The choice is YOURS to make! Shall we begin?

Monday, March 31, 2014


It is amazing how in a our moment of need, guidance is provided in one way or another. But, will we notice? Will we hear it or see it? Will we feel it? Will we realize it? The choice is ours alone to make.

On Saturday morning, March 29, 2014, I chose to listen.

Like any Saturday, I left my house early before the break of dawn to get bagels. When I was leaving the block, instead of turning right (the normal way to go), I turned left (going in the opposite direction). I traveled West to the next town, turned left again onto a major road. As I traveled South on Patchogue - Holbrook Road in the predawn hours, the road had not a car on it, except of course mine.

As I passed through an intersection, another vehicle appeared from my right, and it stopped at the light (his light was Red). I continued on as I should've since my light had been Green. By the next major intersection, the vehicle I had passed was now next to me on my left. The light was Green, so we continued through the intersection, I doing the speed limit (most people here tend to drive faster than me). That same vehicle (a pick-up truck pulling a trailer) was still next to me, pacing me. I glanced to my left ever few seconds and noticed the driver was waving his arm, and appeared to be shouting through his closed window (and mine) at me, then hand gesturing.

Since we were rapidly approaching an entrance ramp for the Highway, immediately I slowed down thinking he needed to pull in front of me to exit the road we were on, and to get onto the ramp. But he slowed as well, pacing me again.

Together, side by side, we continued on passing the entrance ramp for the highway. We both slowed as the light ahead of us changed from Green to Red.

At the Red Light, stopped, both of us rolled down our windows and he yelled to me; "Hey, I read your book. I really liked it. Thank-you!" The light changed to Green, and he sped off faster than I, both continuing South.

At the next light, I had to turn left (East), if  I was ever going to get to the bagel shop in time to get the bagels home for breakfast. While I continued East, I searched my memory and realized the man I had just seen, the man whose words I had just heard minutes before, was a man I had known well, but that I had not seen for over 5 years.

If I had not turned left, but had turned right when first I left my block, never would I have traveled West to another town. Never would I have turned left a second time nor passed him as he approached the intersection I was traveling thru. Never would he have seen me nor I him. Never would I have heard his words of praise or of thanks!

You see, firm in FAITH and BELIEF have I always been, sometimes even the faithful have moments when life can seem more difficult than others. Saturday morning was one such moment, and it started when first I woke.

I will spare you the details as to why that morning was more difficult than others, but I know now why I turned left instead of right. I know why "that day" was "the day" I heard kind heart-felt words, why One's Simple Act (O.S.A.) of saying "thank-you" brought joy to my heart, peace to my mind, and warmth to my Soul. For you see, that Saturday Morning I had asked GOD for help, and  "HE ANSWERED"!

So very significant are we all, each and everyone of us, for a purpose do we have!

May you too be firm in your FAITH and BELIEF, for your prayers will be answered, in one way or another. May your choice be to see it, to hear it, to feel it, to BELIEVE IT!

DARE TO BE YOU, for YOU are magnificent!

Shall we begin?

Thursday, February 27, 2014


It is amazing how things happen as they happen throughout our lives, and when. In retrospect, often if you are one firm in Faith and Belief in God, you glimpse a pattern and come to the realization that there was more at work than mere coincidence or circumstance.

On Jan 24th, 2014, I was laid off from my job. Between the commute, the hours at work, any mass transit delays, seldom was my day away from home shorter than 15 hours. Due to severe weather events, of which we had many so far this winter, sometimes 18-19 hours was common. Loss of job, opportunity gained!

There was I when needed, at the right time, and at the right place! Had I not been laid off when I was (in-between two snowstorms), mountains of snow would've blocked my driveway instead of being cleared down to the pavement, and I would not have been in the position to assist my daughter and the love of her life to move to their first apartment on the two only sunny and dry days in a 10 day period. The severe weather allowed availability for truck rental exactly when I needed it, no wait!

With the movement of each piece of furniture, each personal belonging, the flood of memories and emotion had time (for we were not rushed as we would've been) enough for those moving to capture that which was dear, and embrace it, and accept that which was to come with open arms and pure intent.

The move could not have gone better for all!

And, the storms that followed were met with full strength, full and able muscle, and time to do all that had to be done!

Opportunity was gained to witness and marvel at how remarkable my wife is; Balancing demands of home, of family (her listening and her guidance to grown children when needed, caring for an elderly Mother living in a distant town, balancing diminished resources, her patience with a now at home husband without a job), all while still working with a classroom of children daily with warmth and love. "Amazing", so fortunate am I!

When my daughter had to travel away for business, I was in a position to be of physical assistance to those she loved that were here as they went about their day, as it was needed. So very wonderful was that, for the timing could never had been known in advance, and the availability could not have been better or more timely.

With many applications for employment submitted, the delay in response opened the opportunity for time and discussion with personnel well respected that I had previously worked with. A vision of possibility illuminated an overcast sky, and delighted my heart (for in such high regard were these fine people held). The possibility of re-employment was discussed, and further conversation may very well prove fruitful!

Bill Gates was known to have said: "Formal Education will make you a living; Self-education will make you a fortune." With the time and necessity now at hand, I fed the fire of eternal hunger for Self-education, and my fire within burns ever so strong, my being absorbing all that I touch, happily! My mind seeing as it was meant to see, that which I am capable of to full extent!

So grand is life, when once we choose to live it with purpose clear, and pure intent, with no self imposed restraints or self doubt. With true FAITH and BELIEF that never do we walk alone, trusting in God, and in ourselves, there is but one choice worthy of merit, to live life and not merely be a witness to it!

My choice is clear, to Live as I was meant to live; I dare to be me!

 What is YOURS, will YOU choose that which calls from within your mind and heart, will YOU dare to be you? For you, are significant!

Our World is all the better for us choosing to be that which we were meant to be! Shall we begin?

Sunday, February 23, 2014


And if I'm away far from home,
     don't you worry I'm not alone,
For you are with me night and day,
     as is GOD, this do I say.

Who would've thought when first we met,
     how simple and drawn would be our intent,
For we danced as if one throughout the night,
     and when apart no longer were we right.

And if I'm away far from home,
     don't you worry I'm not alone,
For you are with me night and day,
     as is GOD, this do I say.

Never for the life of me,
     did I expect a love with such intensity,
For in my heart, and in my Soul,
     you've rocked my World and made me whole.

And if I'm away far from home,
     don't you worry I'm not alone,
For you are with me night and day,
     as is GOD, this do I say.

Always will I honor you,
     I swore an oath to you alone will I be true,
Day or night it matters not,
     forever are you within my heart.
Our love is endless, as is time,
     we celebrated with friends and some wine.

And if I'm away far from home,
     don't you worry I'm not alone,
For you are with me night and day,
     as is GOD, this do I say.

I stand for you, I stand for me,
     I stand for Freedom and Liberty.
I stand for that which I believe to be right,
     even if that stand means fight.

And if I'm away far from home,
     don't you worry I'm not alone,
For you are with me night and day,
     as is GOD, this do I say.

And with my Brothers in Arms should I FALL,
     may you and others stand so tall,
For to you and GOD have I been true,
     Living Life as I was meant to.

And if now in Heaven far from home,
     don't you worry I'm not alone,
For you are with me night and day,
     and forever in my heart will you stay, as will GOD, this I say.

So blessed have I been,
     so blessed are you too,
So now you go on,
     and do what you want to!

And if now in Heaven far from home,
     don't you worry I'm not alone,
For you are with me night and day,
     and forever in my heart will you stay, as is GOD, this I say.

And if now in Heaven far from home,
     don't you worry I'm not alone,
For you are with me night and day,
     and forever in my heart will you stay, as is GOD, this I say!

Saturday, February 8, 2014


Undeniably, and without question, it is near unbelievable the strength, the resolve, the power, the ability of the spirit of that which is within each and everyone of us to overcome adversity, fear, pain, heartache, loss, obstacle, seemingly overwhelming and crushing odds of fact or fantasy with but the assistance of two things that are never further from each and every one of us than that of each of our own hearts;


Again I say to you via written word in answer as to how often I am asked, "Why do I continually write so often of FAITH and BELIEF in GOD?", because on THE DAY when YOU or SOMEONE dear to your heart has near given up, is at wits end, has not a direction to turn, I want YOU and / them to find the answer!

WE are not alone, none of us, not even the grandest of all scoundrels, for such is GOD'S love and hope for humanity (as evidenced with the birth of each and every child, He believes in US), should not WE BELIEVE in HIM.

With FAITH and BELIEF in GOD within us, the spirit HE has given us will triumph, will bear any burden willingly, lovingly, for as long as is necessary until its end does come, AND ITS END WILL COME ONE WAY OR ANOTHER.

And so I write, and will continue to write of FAITH and BELIEF so if this be YOUR DAY, YOU SEE IT!

Upon seeing it, as I know some of you in desperate need of it this day will, you follow this simple loving suggestion; Close your eyes, look within your mind and heart, call to the spirit that is within you and pray to GOD above for strength, for guidance. Have FAITH and BELIEVE with all your being that you have been heard, for YOU HAVE, and go on.

You will see a change, you will feel a change, things will happen for no apparent reason (ah but there is, for HIS answer is coming). HE knows that which we are truly capable of, of that which we can endure and overcome, of that which we can master, of that which our love and heart can conquer!


Those to whom need HIM this day, so do I pray, look within and call to HIM. HE is with YOU, and those you so love! You do not walk alone, FEEL HIS STRENGTH, SUCH IS HIS LOVE AND BELIEF IN YOU, IN US!

Shall we begin?

Friday, February 7, 2014


Injury, accident, illness, failing economy, wrong or untimely business decisions, no matter what the cause or reason given, the result is the same; You woke up, looked in the mirror and said with certainty "No longer do I have a job!"

More wrong could not you be, as was I, for the job now staring you in the face is as plain as can be, "Finding a job" (it is but a job all by its self, and of monumental importance and consequence).

Perspective, such optimism did you have immediately (as I am sure most do), immediately did you make a plan, and you got started. Resume updated, applications filled in and submitted, on your way for sure!

A quick response of future contact, oh how wonderful life can be! One day, then another, all the while still applying and sending applications with resume when asked. Days to weeks, not a glimmer, friends gathering for seasonal events, now embarrassed to show your face (when you have nothing to be embarrassed about).

So very easy is it to let your thoughts go astray, to let self doubt consume you and cloud your judgement on so sunny a day!

Seize the day this do I pray for you (and for myself as well, for in this circumstance am I as well, laid off).

Against the flooding incoming tide of uncertainty, strap yourself ever so tightly to the protected side of your true FAITH and BELIEF in GOD, and continue for as long as it takes, for "this too shall pass", a new beginning will come one way or another. It will come!

Dare to be YOU, for YOU are significant, as am I, as are WE! Shall WE begin?